Achieving your goals: A short guide

  1. Set your Goals (short & long term)
  2. Know Yourself
  3. Be Consistent (even if you don’t feel like it sometimes)
  4. Review and Adjust
  5. Reward Yourself


Setting your Goals

Think of your goal and envision it, you can choose any goal as long as it is something you really want to do.
The size of the Goal doesn’t really matter anything is achievable as long as you are willing to fight regardless of how far away from the goal you feel right now. So once you have decided what your goal is, write it down. Get a notepad (with lots of pages) and write your goal down EVERY DAY. This is a little trick that will program your subconscious to act in favor of your goal. Without knowing it you will make choices that will bring you closer to your goal. Be consistent and do this every day.


Know Yourself

And by Know yourself I mean know your weak points so that you can work around them. For example, one of my goals was to eat healthier and with a stable frequency. Due to my job I used to often miss meals or forgot to eat most of the day. I have accepted the fact that if I have a busy day I might forget my meal so I prepare and set a reminder on my phone to make sure I don’t miss any meal. Apply this to anything that might disrupt you from your goal.


Be Consistent (and don’t make excuses)

This is probably the most important point on the list. Anyone can set a goal and start a path but its consistence that separates achievers from the rest. Some times you will not feel like working hard, training, practicing, eating, NOT eating etc etc. These are the moments that will make or break your success and can make you your own greatest enemy.


Review & Adjust

Times change and so do goals, don’t be over fixated on a goal that might no longer be relevant or that has evolved to something else? Review your goals daily, distance your self from your goal and look at yourself from the outside like a different person. Only this way will you be able to review yourself and your goal.


Reward Yourself

Set rewards for your short term goals, something to look forward too before you get the big price. A mile stone for every step of your journey. Small tip: don’t reward yourself with something that will get in the way of your goal. If you aim to lose 1 Kilo of weight every week having a cake as a reward might not be the best idea 🙂


End Note

I firmly believe that anyone can really achieve anything. Just ask yourself ‘How much do I want to make it?’ Are you willing to go all the way? Are you willing to work hard ? In the words of the very successful Eminem who made it from Rags to Riches. “you can achieve ANYTHING if you set your mind to it”

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